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Juniors Lexia Core5 Reading

A letter introducing Lexia Core5 Reading.

Please read carefully.

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Foundation Phase Homework

Please read this document carefully to find out more about Foundation Phase's Homework at VEM.

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KS2 Homework Expectations 2023-24

Please read this letter regarding:

Homework Expectations in the Juniors at Venerable Edward Morgan Catholic Primary School (VEM) for the academic year 2023-2024

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Lexia Core5 - System Requirements

Information outlining the requirements needed to support Lexia Core5 on your devices at home.

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Junior Homework Letter MAY 2024

Please read the attached letter carefully regarding Junior Homework (MAY 2024)

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Infant Homework Letter MAY 2024

Please read the attached letter carefully regarding Infant Homework (MAY 2024)

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